21-24, July, 2020 --> 22-25, September, 2020 (postponed!)
Kitakyushu, JAPAN
IEA/AIE 2020
The 33th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
Home Call for Papers Organization Venue Registration Program Special Sessions Contacts
Accepted Papers
Link of Springer book for Authors
Springer LNCS 12144
Poster Paper Proceedings (PDF)
Special Sessions
1. CISM 2020 (PDF)
Special Session on Collective Intelligence in Social Media
33th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2020), Kitakyushu, Japan, July 21-24, 2020
Conference website: https://jsasaki3.wixsite.com/ieaaie2020
Objectives and topics
In recent years, advances in information technologies have significantly leveraged the use of Collective Intelligence referred as the wisdom of crowds for finding solutions to a wide range of problems in the real world. In addition, the emerge of sociall media has significantly enhanced major dimensions of Collective Intelligence and social media has been considered as a crowd-mediated for harnessing Collective Intelligence from a group of diverse individuals. Beyond the capability of combining individual potentials, Collective Intelligence also aims at maximizing the potential of a group. For such potentiality, wikis, social networks, and content-sharing platforms are considered as collective intelligence systems for collective knowledge creation and sharing processes. The major goal of this special session is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the computer-based methods of Collective Intelligence and their applications in (but not limited to) such fields as social networks, web intelligence and multi-agent systems. The coverage of the CISM 2020 includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:
Collective intelligence
Wisdom of crowds
Web intelligence
Group decision making
Knowledge integration
Inconsistent knowledge processing
Computational intelligence
Social network analysis
Harnessing Collective intelligence from Social media
Important dates
Paper Submission: January 15, 2020, => is extended to January 31 2020
(due to many requests) this is hard deadline and no further extension),
Notification of Acceptance: February 28, 2020
Camera Ready Paper: March 27, 2020
Conference Dates: July 21-24, 2020
Special Session Organizers
Prof. Ngoc Thanh Nguyen
Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Computer Science and Management,
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland
Email: Ngoc-Thanh.Nguyen@pwr.edu.pl
Dr. Van Du Nguyen
Faculty of Information Technology, Nong Lam University,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Email: nvdu@hcmuaf.edu.vn
Program Committee
to be completed