21-24, July, 2020 --> 22-25, September, 2020 (postponed!)
Kitakyushu, JAPAN
IEA/AIE 2020
The 33th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
Home Call for Papers Organization Venue Registration Program Special Sessions Contacts
Accepted Papers
Link of Springer book for Authors
Springer LNCS 12144
Poster Paper Proceedings (PDF)
Important Dates
Paper Submission: January 31, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: February 28, 2020
Camera Ready Paper: March 27, 2020
Registration and Payment: April 3, 2020 --> April 15, 2020 (extended!)
Conference Dates: July 21-24, 2020 --> September 22- 25, 2020 (postponed!)
1. For speakers using Video
Please take a note that we will not play any Video presentation without having the speaker available on-line. No Video will be played without having the speaker available on-line...
This rule must be compiled.
2. to easy operation for a Zoom operator,
If you are a session chair of a session, please make your correct name before enter the Zoom.
If you are a speaker of your paper, please make your name with the paper ID before enter the Zoom.
for example "#180 Jun Sasaki".
NEWS :Dear IEA/AIE2020 participants:
Nov. 25: the link of book is closed.
Sept. 24: the link of Springer book (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1244) is available.
Sept. 17: the link of Springer book is added at the top of the website (this link is available by the end of October, 2020).
Sept.14: Conference Program is revised
Sept.10: Conference Program is opened.
Sept. 7: The description on the paper awards is changed as below.
Sept. 1: The list of accepted papers is revised (final)
Program Outline is revised.
We are now preparing the Conference Program of IEA/AIE 2020. Because of the COVID-19 situation, some participants will not be able to come to the conference venue in Japan. Hence, we will ensure that these persons can attend the conference virtually using Zoom. Moreover, paper authors will be allowed to present their papers using Zoom or as a pre-recorded video. For the smooth organization of the conference, please complete the following questionnaire regarding your preferences for participation by the 26th August.
--> Questionnaire
IEA/AIE 2020 continues the tradition of emphasizing on applications of applied intelligent systems to solve real-life problems in all areas including engineering, science, industry, automation & robotics, business & finance, medicine and biomedicine, bioinformatics, cyberspace, and human-machine interactions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Adaptive Control
Ambient Intelligence
Argumentation Systems
Artificial Immune Systems
Automated Reasoning
Autonomous Agents
Bayesian Networks
Case-based Reasoning
Computer Animation
Computer Vision
Cognitive Models
Constraint Programming
・2019 ・2018 ・2017 ・2016 ・2015 ・2014 ・2013
Data Mining
Decision Support Systems
Description Logics
Evolutionary Computation
Expert Systems
Fuzzy Logic
Information Retrieval
Heuristic Search
Human Robot Interaction
Intelligent Systems
Knowledge Representation
Machine Learning
Model-based Reasoning
Multi-Agent Systems
Multi Media Processing
Natural Language Processing
Neural Networks
Non-Monotonic Logics
Planning and Scheduling
Preference Reasoning
Privacy Preserving Data Mining
Semantic Web
Smart Graphics
Social Networks
Soft Computing
Speech Recognition
Swarm Intelligence
Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
User Modeling
Submission Details
- Authors are invited to submit their papers in English of up to 12single spaced pages including references, and presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to the conference. Practical experiences with state-of-the-art AI methodologies are also acceptable when they reect lessons of unique value to the conference attendees. Shorter works, up to 6 pages may be submitted as short papers representing work in progress or suggesting possible research directions.
- Submitted papers must be formatted using the Springer LNCS/LNAI style and will be done electronically using the submission button below. The use of the LaTeX2e style file available from Springer is required. Papers submitted to IEA/AIE 2020 must not have already been published, or accepted for publication, or be under review for a journal or another conference. Submissions will go through a double blind review process by Program Committee members for originality, significance, technical merit, and clarity of presentation. In this regard, authors should not include any information that would identify them or their affiliations. Such information can however be added to the camera-ready version, if the paper is accepted.
- We have established a committee to select the best wards: Best Paper Springer Awards (three wards), Also we have selected Best
Special session paper award and Best Poster Award. All will be announced at the closing Ceremony, and special design Glass
Recognition Portrait of these awards will be sent by post to each winner.
- The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) series. A paper will be accepted either as a long or as a short paper. Long papers will be allocated 12 pages while short papers will be allocated 6 pages in the proceedings.
- Authors of accepted papers will be allocated time for an oral presentation at the conference and will have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work. Authors must agree to this requirement prior to submitting their paper for review.
International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI)
Association for Consumer Electronics (TACE)

Springer LNAI

Kitakyushu City

KDDI Foundation

Iwate Prefectural University

Web page revised history
July 29: Keynote speech 3 was added.
July 20: Keynote speech2 was added.
There are many issues imposed on all of us due to epidemic caused by the corona virus.
But we are optimistic in overcoming this hardship soon.
To allow many participants to attend safely and enjoy the conference, and to manage smartly the situation, we have decided to postpone the conference to September 22~25, 2020, in the same venue, we will update you on with further information in this regard.
For now please proceed with the registration, as planned, with a new due date on April 15, (hard deadline)
By the end of April we will gather all Camera Ready copies of the accepted revised submissions in all category, and poster papers.
Then, we will compile the conference book with Springer, and the posters gathered manuscripts in USB as planned.
If you have any question or inquiry that can make your participation easier, please send message to
<jsasaki@iwate-pu.ac.jp>,<HFujita-799@acm.org>, <philfv8@yahoo.com>,
we will all do our best to make this event a success and memorial in terms of joy and pleasure.
Also please note that if some participants are find it hard to attend due, there will be a possibility of doing an on-line presentations for this year, (details will be announced later).
March 4: Accepted papers were opened.