21-24, July, 2020 --> 22-25, September, 2020 (postponed!)
Kitakyushu, JAPAN
IEA/AIE 2020
The 33th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
Home Call for Papers Organization Venue Registration Program Special Sessions Contacts
Accepted Papers
Link of Springer book for Authors
Springer LNCS 12144
Poster Paper Proceedings (PDF)
ID "Paper Title" , Authors
1 "Path Planning of Mobile Robot Group Based on Neural Networks", Mikhail Medvedev (Southern Federal University)*
6 "How to handle head collisions in VR", Marek Kopel (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)*; Bartłomiej Stanasiuk
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
8 "Security of Blockchain Distributed Ledger Consensus Mechanism in Context of the Sybil Attack", Michal Kedziora (Wroclaw
University of Science and Technology)*; Patryk Kozlowski (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology); Piotr Jozwiak (Wroclaw
University of Science and Technology)
9 "Constrained Evolutionary Piecemeal Training to Design Efficient Neural Networks", Dolly Sapra (University of Amsterdam)*;
Andy Pimentel (University of Amsterdam)
10 "Calibration of a Microphone Array Based on a Probabilistic Model of Microphone Positions", KASTUHIRO DAN (Tokyo Institute of Technology)*; Katsutoshi Itoyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology); Kenji Nishida (Tokyo Institute of Technology); Kazuhiro Nakadai
( Honda Research Institute Japan)
11 "Hierarchical Learning of Primitives Using Neurodynamic Model", Fusei Nomoto (Tokushima University)*; Tadayoshi Yasuda
(Tokushima University); Shun Nishide (Tokushima University); Xin Kang (Tokushima University); Fuji Ren (Tokushima University)
12 "Generation of Musical Scores from Chord Sequences using Neurodynamic Model", Koji Masago (Tokushima University)*; Mizuho
Amo (Tokushima University); Shun Nishide (Tokushima University); Xin Kang (Tokushima University); Fuji Ren (Tokushima University)
13 "Question Generation through Transfer Learning", Yin-Hsiang Liao (National Taiwan Normal University); Jia-Ling Koh (National Taiwan
Normal University)*
15 "ConMerge – Arbitration of Constraint-Based Knowledge Bases", Mathias Uta (Siemens AG)*; Alexander Felfernig (TU Graz)
16 "Using Deep Learning Techniques to Detect Rice Diseases from Images of Rice Fields", Kantip Kiratiratanapruk (NECTEC, Thailand);
PITCHAYAGAN TEMNIRANRAT (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center); Apichon Kitvimonrat (National Electronics
and Computer Technology Center); Wasin Sinthupinyo (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand)*
18 "Machine Learning for Water Supply Supervision", Thomas Schranz (Graz University of Technology)*; Franz Wotawa (Graz University
of Technology, Institute for Software Technology); Gerald Schweiger (Graz University of Technology)
19 "User Grouping and Power Allocation in NOMA Systems: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Solution", Rebekka O Omslandseter
(Universitetet i Agder)*; Lei Jiao (University of Agder); Yuanwei Liu (Queen Mary University of London); John Oommen (Carleton
20 "Improved Grey Model by Dragonfly Algorithm for Chinese Tourism-demands Forecasting", Jinran Wu (Queensland University of
Technology); Zhe Ding (Queensland University of Technology)*
22 "A Systematic Model to Model Transformation solving the Travelling Salesman Problems", Liwen Zhang (Berger-Levrault)*
24 "KIDER: Knowledge-Infused Document Embedding Representation for Text Categorization", Yu Ting Chen (National Taiwan
University); 政文 林 (國立清華大學資訊系統與應用研究所); Yung-Chun Chang (Taipei Medical University)*; Wen-Lian Hsu (Academia
26 "Improving Variational Mode Decomposition-based signal enhancement with the use of Total Variation Denoising", Krzysztof
Brzostowski (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)*; Jerzy Swiatek (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
29 "New Approach for Determining 2-Optimality Consensus for Collectives", Dang Dai Tho (SICT)*; Dai Tho Dang (Department of
Computer Engineering, Yeungnam University); Zygmunt Mazur (Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University
of Science and Technology); Dosam Hwang (Department of Computer Engineering, Yeungnam University)
32 "Integrating Crowdsourcing and Active Learning into Life Events Classification of Individual Tweets: A Case Study for Job Loss Events
Detection", YUNPENG ZHAO (University of Florida); Mattia Prosperi (University of Florida); Tianchen Liu (University of Florida);
Yi Guo (University of Florida); Le Zhou (University of Minnesota); Jiang Bian (University of Florida)*
33 "Compressing and Interpreting SOM-Based Convolutional Neural Networks", Ryotaro Kamimura (Tokai University)*
34 "A New Integer Linear Programming Formulation to the Inverse QSAR/QSPR for Acyclic Chemical Compounds Using Skeleton
Trees", Fan Zhang (Kyoto University); Jianshen Zhu (Kyoto University); Rachaya Chiewvanichakorn (Kyoto University); Aleksandar
Shurbevski (Kyoto University)*; Hiroshi Nagamochi (Kyoto University); Tatsuya Akutsu (Kyoto University)
38 "Clustering-based data reduction approach to speed up SVM in classification and regression tasks", Adamo Santana (Fuji Electric)*;
Souta Inoue (Fuji Electric); Kenya Murakami (Fuji Electric); Tatsuya Iizaka (Fuji Electric, Co. Ltd. ); Tetsuro Matsui ( Fuji Electric, Co.
39 "A Framework for Detecting User's Psychological Tendencies on Twitter Based on Tweets Sentiment Analysis", Thi Huyen Trang Phan
(Yeungnam University)*; Van Cuong Tran (Quang Binh University); Dosam Hwang (Yeungnam University); Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen
(Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
41 "Push Recovery and Active Balancing for Inexpensive Humanoid Robots Using RL and DRL", Amirhossein Hosseinmemar (University
of Manitoba)*; John Anderson (University of Manitoba, Canada); Jacky Baltes (National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)); Meng,
Cheng Lau (University of Manitoba); Ziang Wang (University of Manitoba)
45 "Text Sentiment Transfer Methods By Using Sentence Keywords", Shengwei Hu (华侨大学)*; Bicheng Li (华侨大学); Kongjie Lin (华侨
大学); Rui Wang (华侨大学); Kai Liu (华侨大学)
47 "A Multi-phase Iterative Approach for Anomaly Detection and its Agnostic Evaluation", Kévin Ducharlet (CARL Software)*
48 "Human-Centred Automated Reasoning for Regulatory Reporting via Knowledge-Driven Computing", Dilhan Thilakarathne (ING
Bank)*; Newres Al Haider (ING Bank), Joost Bosman (ING Bank)
49 "Consensus-Based Protocol for Distributed Exploration and Mapping", Zilong Jiao (Syracuse University)*; Jae Oh (Syracuse
50 "A Real-Time Actor-Critic Architecture for Continuous Control", Zilong Jiao (Syracuse University)*; Jae Oh (Syracuse University)
51 "Mathematical Expression Retrieval in PDFs from the Web Using Mathematical Term Queries", Kuniko Yamada (Osaka City
University)*; Harumi Murakami (Osaka City University)
55 "Action-Based Programming with YAGI - An Update on Usability and Performance", Thomas Eckstein (Graz University of Technology);
Gerald Steinbauer (TU Graz)*
56 "Deep Learning for QoS-Aware Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks", Jerzy Martyna (Jagiellonian University)*
57 "Automatic Identification of Account Sharing For Video Streaming Services", Wei Zhang (Adobe)*
59 "A Model for Predicting Terrorist Network Lethality and Cohesiveness", Botambu Collins (Yeungnam University); Dinh Tuyen Hoang
(Yeungnam University); Dosam Hwang (Yeungnam University)*
61 "A heuristic for the two-dimensional irregular bin packing problem with limited rotations", Qiang Liu (Guangdong University of
Technology); Zeng JiaWei (GDUT); Zhang Hao (guangdong university of technology); Lijun Wei (Guangdong University of
62 "An enhanced whale optimization algorithm for the two-dimensional irregular strip packing problem", Qiang Liu (Guangdong
University of Technology); 黄泽辉 Zehui Huang (Guangdong University of Technology); Zhang Hao (guangdong university of
technology); Lijun Wei (Guangdong University of Technology)*
64 "Applying Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict Consumers’ Affective Preferences on Product Design", Chung-Hsing Yeh
(Monash University); Chun-Chun Wei (National Taipei University of Business); Ian Wang (Monash University); Bernie Walsh (Monash
University); Yang-Cheng Lin (National Cheng Kung University)*
66 "Reainforcement Learning based Real-Time Pricing in Open Cloud Markets", PANKAJ PRAKASH MISHRA (NAGOYA INSTITUTE OF
67 "Driver License Field Detection using Real-Time Deep Networks", Chun-Ming Tsai (University of Taipei)*; Jun-Wei Hsieh (College of
Artificial Intelligence and Green Energy ); Ming-Ching Chang (Albany University); Yu-Chen Lin (University of Taipei)
69 "Variable Transformation to a 2x2 domain space for Edge Matching Puzzles", Tom Aspinall (Bond University); Adrian Gepp (Bond
University)*; Geoff Harris (Bond University); Bruce Vanstone (Bond University)
71 "S2RSCS: An Efficient Scientific Submission Recommendation System for Computer Science", Thanh Binh Nguyen (University of
Science)*; Phong Huynh (University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City); Huu Dac Nguyen (University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City); Cuong
Dinh (University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City); Son Huynh (University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City)
75 "A novel weighted Jaccard index of electronic medical record for disease prediction", Tun-Wen Pai (National Taipei University of
79 "On the Use of Answer Set Programming for Model-based Diagnosis", Franz Wotawa (Graz University of Technology, Institute for
Software Technology)*
80 "The differential feature detection and the clustering analysis to breast cancers", Juanying Xie (Shaanxi Normal University)*
83 "Optimal Trajectory Tracking Control for a UAV Based on Linearized Dynamic Error", Christian P. Carvajal (Universidad Nacional de
San Juan)*; Victor Hugo Andaluz Ortiz (Espe)
84 "Parallel Mining of Partial Periodic Itemsets inSpark In-Memory Computing Architecture", Saideep chennupati (IIIT Hyderabd)*; Uday
Kiran RAGE (University of Tokyo)
85 "Colored Petri Net Modeling for Prediction Processes in Machine Learning", Morikazu Nakamura (University of the Ryukyus)*
87 "Enrichment of the semantics of temporal relations for temporal pattern mining using real world data", Ryosuke Matsuo (University of
Miyazaki Hospital)*; Tomoyoshi Yamazaki (University of Miyazaki Hospital); Muneo Kushima (University of Miyazaki Hospital ); Kenji
Araki (University of Miyazaki Hospital )
92 "A Quality Assessment Tool for Koblenz Datasets using Metrics-Driven Approach", Szymon Pucher (Wrcolaw University of Science and
Technology); Dariusz Krol (Wrcolaw University of Science and Technology)*
93 "Process decomposition and test selection for distributed fault diagnosis", Elodie Chanthery (LAAS-CNRS)*; Anna Sztyber (Institute
of Automatic Control and Robotics, Warsaw University of Technology); Louise Travé-Massuyès (CNRS, LAAS-CNRS); Carlos Gustavo
Pérèz-Zuniga (Engineering Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru)
98 "Applying Cluster-based Zero-shot Classifier to Data Imbalance Problems", Toshitaka Hayashi (Iwate Prefectural University)*; Kotaro
Ambai (Iwate Prefectural University); Hamido Fujita (Iwate Prefectural University)
103 "Mining Closed Inter-Transaction Patterns based on N-list", Ngo Thanh Nguyen (Faculty of Computer Science and Management,
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology); Loan Nguyen (International University); Bay Vo ("HCM City University of Technology,
Vietnam")*; Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen (Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland)
105 "AI for Health – Knowledge-based Generation of Tailor-made Exercise Plans", Florian Grigoleit (Technical University of Munich )*;
Peter Struss (Technical University of Munich); Florian Kreuzpointner (TU Munich)
106 "Non-Linear Control of Aerial Manipulator Robots Based on Numerical Methods", David F Grijalva (Universidad de las Fuerzas
Armadas ESPE)*; Victor Andazul (Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE)
107 "Many-to-One Stable Matching for Prediction in Social Networks", Zengchang Qin (Intelligent Computing & Machine Learning Lab,
School of ASEE, Beihang University)*; Tao Wan (Beihang University); Ke Dong (University of Toronto)
109 "Automatic Fake News Detection by Exploiting User's Assessments on Social Networks: A Case Study of Twitter", Van Cuong Tran
(Quang Binh University)*
114 "Increasing the Inference and Learning Speed of Tsetlin Machines with Clause Indexing", Saeed Rahimi Gorji (University of Agder)*;
Ole-Christoffer Granmo (University of Agder); Sondre Glimsdal (Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research (CAIR), University of Agder,
Norway); Jonathan Edwards (Temporal Computing); Morten Goodwin (University of Agder)
IKEDS-2 "Determining Sufficient Volume of Data For Analysis With Statistical Framework",
Tanvi Barot , Gautam Srivastava, and Vijay Mago
IKEDS-3 "A Fuzzy Crow Search Algorithm for Solving Data Clustering Problem",
Ze-Xue Wu , Ko-Wei Huang, and Chu-Sing Yang
IKEDS-4 "TKE: Mining Top-K Frequent Episodes", Philippe Fournier-Viger, Yanjun Yang, Peng Yang, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin and Unil Yun
IKEDS-5 "Faster R-CNN Based Fault Detection in Industrial images", Faisal Saeed, Anand Paul and Seungmin Rho
IKEDS-6 "Distributed Density Peak Clustering of Trajectory Data on Spark",
Yunhong Zheng, Xinzheng Niu, Philippe Fournier-Viger, Fan Li and Lin Gao
IKEDS-7 "TKU-CE: Cross-Entropy Method for Mining Top-K High Utility Itemsets", Wei Song, Lu Liu and Chaomin Huang
IKEDS-8 "Mining Cross-Level High Utility Itemsets", Philippe Fournier-Viger, Ying Wang, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Jose Maria Luna and
Sebastian Ventura
IKEDS-11 "Mining of the Non-dominated High Expected Utility Patterns from Uncertain Databases", Usman Ahmed, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin,
Youcef Djenouri, Gautam Srivastava and Suresh Kumar Mukhiya
IKEDS-12 "Maintenance of Prelarge High Average-Utility Patterns in Incremental Databases",
Ming-Tai Wu, Qian Teng, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin, Philippe Fournier-Viger and Chien-Fu Cheng
ID "Paper Title" , Authors
4 "Self-Understanding Support Tool using Twitter Sentiment Analysis", Harumi Murakami (Osaka City University)*; Naoya Ejima (Osaka
City University); Naoto Kumagai (Osaka City University)
31 "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Foreign Exchange Trading", Chun-Chieh Wang (National Chengchi University); Yun-Cheng Tsai
(Soochow University)*
36 "Estimation of Cable Lines Insulating Materials Resource Using Multistage Neural Network Forecasting Method", Marina N. Dubyago
(SFEDU); Nikolay Poluyanovich ( SFEDU)*; Mikhail Medvedev (Southern Federal University); Nikolay Azarov (SFEDU); Alexander
Ogrenichev (South Federal University)
44 "Discriminative Features Fusion with BERT for Social Sentiment Analysis", Le Duy Duc Nguyen (Graduate Institute of Data Science,
Taipei Medical University); Yen-Chun Huang (Graduate Institute of Data Science, Taipei Medical University); Yung-Chun Chang (Taipei
Medical University)*
58 "Optimal control problem of a differential drive robot.", Luis Fernando F Recalde (Espe)*; Bryan Stefano Guevara (Espe); Victor Hugo
Andaluz Ortiz (Espe)
63 "A heuristic approach to the three dimensional strip packing problem considering practical constraints", Qiang Liu (Guangdong
University of Technology); Lin Dehao (Guangdong University of Technology); Zhang Hao (guangdong university of technology); Lijun
Wei (Guangdong University of Technology)*
68 "Managing situations with high number of elements in Group Decision Making", Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera (University of
Granada)*; Sergio Alonso (University of Granada); Sergio Ríos-Aguilar (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja); Ruben González Crespo
(Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)); Enrique Herrera-Viedma (University of Granada)
73 "A Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Movement Styles based on UHF-RFID Detections", Christoph Uran (Carinthia University
of Applied Sciences)*; Markus Prossegger (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences); Sebastian Vock (Carinthia University of Applied
Sciences); Helmut Wöllik (Carinthia University of Applied Sciences)
76 "Development and Research of a Terminal Regulator for Marine Robots", Boris Gurenko (Southern Federal University)*; Viacheslav
Pshikhopov (Southern Federal University)
90 "Model-based Decision Support Systems - Conceptualization and General Architecture", Peter Struss (TU Munich)*
Essam Saber (Intixel)*; Dina Abdelraouf (Intixel); Mustafa Elattar (Nile University)
97 "A Decision Support System to Provide Criminal Pattern Based Suggestions to Travelers", Khin Nandar Win (Hunan University)*;
Jianguo Chen (Hunan University); Duan Mingxing (Hunan University); Guoqing Xiao (Hunan University); Kenli Li (Hunan University);
Philippe Fournier-Viger (Harbin Inst. of Technology (Shenzhen))
104 "Construction and Control Aerial Manipulator Robot", Steeven J Loor (Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE)*; Victor Hugo
Andaluz Ortiz (Espe)
111 "Nonlinear 3D Visual Control for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", Daniel Guevara (Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE)*
112 "A Regression Tsetlin Machine with Integer Weighted Clauses for Compact Pattern Representation", Kuruge Darshana Abeyrathna
(University of Agder, Norway)*; Ole-Christoffer Granmo (University of Agder); Morten Goodwin (University of Agder)
ID "Paper Title" , Authors
37 "A multi-agent model for countering terrorism", oussama kebir (institut supérieur de gestion tunis)*; issam nouaouri (université
d'Artois); mouna kebir (Institut supérieur des études technologiques de Béja); Lamjed Ben Said (SOIE Laboratory, High Institute of
Management, Tunisia)
43 "Recognition and Generation of Drawing Figures Using Neurodynamical Model Considering Pen", Yusuke Kubono (Tokushima
University)*; Shun Nishide (Tokushima University); Xin Kang (Tokushima University); Fuji Ren (Tokushima University)
72 "DFS2P: An Efficient Deduplication Framework For SaaS Platforms", Thanh Binh Nguyen (University of Science)*; Quy Nguyen
(Inspectorio); Huu Dac Nguyen (University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City)
82 "Opinion Mining Classifier for Jordanian Dialect", Said A Salloum (University of Sharjah)*; Khaled Shaalan (The British University in
Dubai); Ahmed Khamees ( The British University in Dubai); Hani Hejazi ( The British University in Dubai)
86 "The Potential of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Students’ Performances Based on Big Data of Students’ Information",
Afiqah Zahirah Zakaria (Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Ali Selamat (Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia)*; Ondrej Krejcar (University of Hradec Kralove)
88 "Research on Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Top-N Recommendation", Bo Huang (SUES)*
91 "Stock Portfolio Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning Methods", Ping Yang (Shanghai University); Xing Wu (Shanghai
96 "The time Efficient Centralization Measure for Social Networks Assessment", Rafał Palak (Wrocław University of Science and
Technology)*; Krystian Wojtkiewicz (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
102 "Empirical Study of K-means Clustering on Usability Performance Metrics in MAR-learning", Kok Cheng Lim (Universiti Tenaga
Nasional)*; Ali Selamat (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Mohd Hazli Mohamed Zabil (Universiti Tenaga Nasional); Md Hafiz Selamat
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Rose Alinda Alias (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Fatimah Puteh (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia);
Farhan Mohamed (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Ondrej Krejcar (University of Hradec Kralove)