Dear attendees,
We would like to express our appreciation for the distinguished works you had contributed to ITDRR 2021.
Please follow the following instructions to accomplish the required procedures for conference registration.
All attendees for ITDRR 2021 are kindly requested to register.
We look forward to meeting you in the conference.
Conference Registration Fees
Due to the influence of COVID-19, the conference will be held by a hybrid style of online and real (onsite) participation. The registration fee is as follows.
Real (On-site) participation
- General: 40,000 JPY (Japanese Yen) per person, including all services (proceedings, coffee and banquet etc.).
- IFIP including IPSJ members or Authors: 35,000 JPY per person, including all services.
- Students: 25,000 JPY per person, including all services.
Online participation
- General: 30,000 JPY per person, including proceedings.
- IFIP including IPSJ members or Authors: 25,000 JPY per person, including proceedings.
- Students: 20,000 JPY per person, including proceedings.
*Each paper should be registered at least one person.
The proceedings will be published and given after the conference.
Registration Method
DEADLINE: October 18, 2021
The payment of the registration fee is accepted by only credit card.
Please prepare your credit card and click here (credit card payment system), then fill in the registration form and pay the registration fee in JPY no later than October 18, 2021.
In this system, multiple e-mail address can not be registered because of server regulation.
So, if you make multiple papers registration, please use a different e-mail address like Gmail etc. for a different paper. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Each accepted paper at least one author should be registered.
Otherwise the paper will not be included in the ITDRR 2021 program and proceedings.
The registration fee includes conference proceedings published by Springer.
An official receipt for the payment will be offered by e-mail.
Please feel free to let Jun Sasaki (jsasaki[at]iwate-pu.ac.jp, [at]=@) know if you have any problem regarding the conference registration.
For Attendance Registration
Please click here ( Google Forms) and send your information no later than October 18, 2021.
Only the attendance fee to the conference (no proceedings and no services) is free.
The registered person will be able to receive the online information (Zoom URL) by e-mail.
支店名:巣子支店 (105)
種 別:普通
お振込み後、以下について、佐々木淳(jsasaki[at]iwate-pu.ac.jp, [at]=@)までe-mailでお知らせください。後日、領収証と会議資料(Proceeding) を郵送いたします。