The 6th IFIP Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction
ITDRR 2021
October 25-27, 2021, Morioka, Japan

ITDRR 2021 ended successfully with over 100 online participants.
We would like to thank all the people for the contribution.
The paper awards are as follows. Congratulations!
The Best Paper Award:
Keisuke Utsu, Natsumi Yagi, Airi Fukushima, Yuma Takemori, Atsushi Okazaki and Osamu Uchida,
“Analysis of Quote Retweets for COVID-19 State of Emergency Related Tweets Posted from Prefectural Governors’ Accounts in Japan”
The Best Student Paper Award:
Shono Fujita and Michinori Hatayama,
“Development of Automatic Method to Calculate Damage Rate of Roof by dividing Roof Image into Sections by Image Segmentation”
We would like to thank the three keynote speakers.
Michinori Hatayama, Kenny Meesters, and Terje Gjøsæter.
Submission Details
Accepted papers will be published in IFIP AICT by Springer as post-conference proceedings.
The total length of a paper should be 10 - 16 pages according to IFIP AICT Guidelines (including tables, figures and references).
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- Instructions for Authors of Papers to be Published in Springer Computer Science Proceedings
- Instructions for MS Word 2003, MS Word 2010-2016, LATEX2, Quick Start for MS Word 2010-2016
Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis of their scientific merit and relevance to the conference.
· At least one author of an accepted paper must presented it at the conference.
· Accepted papers will be published in IFIP AICT by Springer.
About ITDRR 2021
The effects of disasters are very serious and the destruction caused may take a very long time to recover. Related damage is severe and it may cause relief expenses of billions of euros. With the increase of natural disasters that have occurred in the past years, it is expected their frequency will continue to increase in the coming years. Due to disaster risk reductions multidisciplinary nature, people from various backgrounds, such as industry, diverse geographical and global settings, not-for-profit organization backgrounds, agriculture, marine life, welfare, risk management, safety engineering and social networking services will be included.
At present, at global and national levels, a wide range of multiple scientific and scientific-applied research activity in the area of disaster risk reduction concerning individual types of disasters is conducted. Modern information and communication technologies can facilitate significantly the decision-making processes from the point of view of disaster risk reduction.
ITDRR-2021 provides an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their latest R&D findings and innovations. The conference is especially focused on the various IT aspects and challenges of copying with disaster risk reduction. ITDDR-2021 invites experts, researchers, academicians and all other who are interested to disseminate their work. The conference establishes an academic environment that fosters the dialogue and exchange of ideas between different levels of academic, research, business and public communities.
All accepted papers will be published in IFIP AICT series by Springer as post-conference proceedings and they will be indexed by Scopus.
Important Dates
Camera Ready Paper:
December 17, 2021
Paper Submission:
--> September 10, 2021
Notification of Acceptance:
--> October 11, 2021
--> October 18, 2021
For Free Attendance Registration Please click here ( Google Forms) and send your information no later than October 18, 2021. The registered person will be able to receive the online information (Zoom URL) by e-mail.
Conference Dates
October 25-27, 2021
Keynote Speakers
"Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Crisis Response"
Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
"From potential to impact: Technology and Information Management in Crisis Response with an example from the Dutch National Corona Response"
Researcher, Tilburg University (NL), University (NL) & University of Agder (NO)
"Universal Design of ICT for Emergency Management - Necessary for Some and Good for All!"
Associate Professor, University of Agder (Norway)
The organizers of this conference invite prospective authors to submit high-quality technical papers addressing, but not limited to, the following topics of interest:
- Advanced ICT(IoT, sensors and UAV) for disaster management
- Artificial Intelligence and disasters
- Big Data and disasters
- Climate change and disaster risk
- Climate information management
- Cloud Computing in emergency management
- Disaster Communications
- COVID-19 issues
- Crowdsourcing and emergency management
- Disaster information processing
- Disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness
- Disaster relief and resilience
- Disaster vulnerability and risk management and assessment mapping
- ICT challenges in emergency management
- Integrated risk governance
- Mobile computing and emergency management
- Disaster monitoring
- Disaster information management in response, recovery, preparedness, and mitigation
- Disaster risk reduction
- Hazard and vulnerability analysis
- Security and privacy issues in disaster management
- Simulation and gaming for disaster management
- Situation awareness for disaster
- Social media and disasters
- Socio-economic impacts of disasters
- State of the art of command and control room