Program (PDF Download,Ver.10.22)
Most of speakers will use Zoom from a remote location.
It doesn't matter which one you participate in if you wish.
Time of paper presentation is 20 minutes and + 10 minutes for questions.
All times indicate JST (Japan Standard Time).
If you attend a web conference in your place, please adjust to your local time.
*JST (Japan Standard Time), CEST (Central Europe Summer Time, Paris)
Oct.25 (MON)
JST PM 4:00 -4:30, CEST AM 9:00 - 9:30
JST PM 4:30 -5:10, CEST AM 9:30 -10:10
ITDRR 2021 Opening Session
Greetings (Jun Sasaki)
Welcome Speech (President of Iwate Prefectural University, Atsuto Suzuki)
Greetings (Hitoshi Aida)
Introduction to IFIP WG5.15 and Report from Program Committee (Yuko Murayama and Dimiter Velev)
JST PM 5:10 - 6:10, CEST AM 10:10 -11:10
・Title: Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Crisis Response
・Speaker: Michinori Hatayama,
Professor, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
JST PM 6:10 - 6:20, CEST AM 10:10 -10:20
JST PM 6:20 -7:50, CEST AM 11:20 - PM 0:50
Session 1: Information Analysis for Situation Awareness
(Chair: Frederick Benaben, IMT Mines Albi, France)
(Paper ID #7) Shono Fujita and Michinori Hatayama:
Development of Automatic Method to Calculate Damage Rate of Roof by dividing Roof Image into Sections by Image Segmentation
(Paper ID#2) Haruki Kanai and Kayoko Yamamoto:
Flood Disaster Mitigation System Adopting Meteorological Data and Geographic Information Systems
(Paper ID#12) Manzu Gerald and Kayoko Yamamoto:
Flood Disaster Management System for Situation Awareness and Response using Twitter Data
JST PM 8:00 - 8:50, CEST PM 1:00 - PM 1:50
IFIP Working Group WG5.15 Meeting (WG members only)
Oct.26 (TUE)
JST PM 4:00 -4:30, CEST AM 9:00 -9:30
JST PM 4:30 -5:30, CEST AM 9:30 -10:30
・Title: From potential to impact: Technology and Information Management in Crisis Response with an example from the Dutch National Corona Response
・Speaker: Kenny Meesters,
Researcher, Tilburg University (NL), University (NL) & University of Agder (NO)
JST PM 5:30 - 5:40, CEST AM 10:30 -10:40
JST PM 5:40 -7:10, CEST AM 10:40 - PM 0:10
Session 2: Evacuation and Rescue
(Chair: Marcos R. S. Borges Universidad de Navarra, Spain)
(Paper ID#8) Makoto Kitsuya and Jun Sasaki:
A Proposal of Evacuation Behavior Model by Using Open Data: A Case Study in Flood Disaster
(Paper ID#9) Yasuo Kawai:
Agent-Based Tsunami Crowd Evacuation Simulation for Analysis of Evacuation Start Time and Disaster Rate in Zushi City
(Paper ID#11) Yoshihiro Terafuji and Michinori Hatayama:
A study on rescue strategy in case of large scale flood damage in the Koto Delta region
JST PM 7:10 - 7:20, CEST PM 0:10 - 0:20
JST PM 7:20 - 8:50, CEST PM 0:20 - 1:50
Session 3: COVID-19 issues
(Chair: Benny Benyamin Nasution, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Indonesia)
(Paper ID#10) Tomohiro Kokogawa:
Trial of Building Resilient Face-to-Face Classroom based on CO2-based Risk Awareness
(Paper ID#13) Keisuke Utsu, Natsumi Yagi, Airi Fukushima, Yuma Takemori, Atsushi Okazaki and Osamu Uchida :
Analysis of Quote Retweets for COVID-19 State of Emergency Related Tweets Posted from Prefectural Governors’ Accounts in Japan
(Paper ID#3) Jose J. Gonzalez and Colin Eden:
Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic for systemic risk assessment and management
Oct.27 (WED)
JST PM 4:00 -4:30, CEST AM 9:00 -9:30
JST PM 4:30 -5:30, CEST AM 9:30 -10:30
・Title: Universal Design of ICT for Emergency Management
- Necessary for Some and Good for All!
・Speaker: Terje Gjøsæter
Associate Professor, University of Agder (Norway)
JST PM 5:30 - 5:40, CEST AM 10:30 -10:40
JST PM 5:40 - 6:40, CEST AM 10:40 - 11:40
Session 4: IT use for risk and disaster management
(Chair: Osamu Uchida, Tokai University, Japan)
(Paper ID#5) Manoj Rajan and S Emily Prabha:
Leveraging geospatial technology in disaster management
(Paper ID#16) Igor Grebennik, Yevhen Hubarenko and Maksym Ananiev:
Information technologies for assessing the effectiveness of the quarantine measures
JST PM 6:40 -7:10, CEST 11:40 - PM 0:10
ITDRR 2021 Closing Session
Paper Awards Ceremony
Next Conference Announcement