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He graduated from the Graduate School of Iwate University (national university of Japan) in 1981, and received the Master Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Iwate University.

From 1981, he was working in NTT (Nihon Telecommunication and Telegram Company) laboratory.

In 1993, he received Doctor Degree of Engineering from Tohoku University in Japan by the research on "High Reliable Optical Network".

In 1998, he moved to the Faculty of Software and Information Science in Iwate Prefectural University from NTT.

He was a chief professor of the Information System Construction Course of the Iwate Prefectural University.

In the Iwate Prefectural University, he teaches Information Construction Methodology, Performance Evaluation of Information Systems, Information Systems for Regional Area, Digital Circuit etc..

He was invited as a Visiting Professor of University of Granada from Sept. 19th in 2018 to March 14 in 2019.

In 2022, he retired from Iwate Prefectural University and became a Professor Emeritus and a Specially Appointed Professor of Iwate Prefecture University.  He is a Director of i-SOMET (Intelligent SOftware MEthodologies Tools and Technologies Research Center) Inc..

In April 2023, he moved to the Faculty of Informatics (newly established faculty ) of Yamato University in Osaka-fu as a Professor.

He contributed as an organizing chair of some international conferences such as WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society) 2010  and 2013, which were held in Japan, ICSSE (IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering) in 2015, IEA/AIE 2016 (The 29th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems), SoMeT 2017 (The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques) , SoMeT 2018 (held at University of Granada in Spain), IEA/AIE 2020, SoMeT 2020, IEA/AIE 2022  and SOMET 2022 (in Kitakyushu, Japan)  and a General Chair of ITDRR 2021 (The 6th IFIP WG 5.15 Conference on Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction) which was held in Morioka, Japan.

He is now a member of IEEE, IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics Society, Information Systems Society in Japan, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Information Processing Society in Japan, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication, and Japan Medical Informatics Society.

Until 2022, he has over 26 publication books such as "Network Integration", "Performance Evaluation of Computer System" and “Information Systems for Emergency Management”, over 48 journal papers and over 294 presentations in academic conferences.

His present areas of research activities are Tourism Information Systems, Medical and Welfare Information Systems, Emergency Information Systems, Disaster Response Management Systems, Decision Making and Recommendation Systems.

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