Call for Papers

Sept. 20-22, 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan
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The 21st International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques
SOMET 2022
Keynote Speech

Title: "On Fuzzy and Linguistic Decision-Making: Scenarios and Challenges"
By: Prof.Dr. Enrique Herrera Viedma
Dept. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
E.T.S. de Ingenieria Informatica y de Telecomunicacion
Universidad de Granada. 18014, Granada, Spain
This talk takes a brief tour through the main trends, studies, methodologies and models developed around the field of fuzzy decision-making in the last decades. Fuzzy decision making approaches allow to deal with real-world decision problems of varying complexity where humans exhibit vagueness and imprecision to assess information about decision alternatives, criteria, etc. Specifically, we address a triple goal in this talk. Firstly, we introduce the main representation paradigms that have arisen from fuzzy set theory to model assessment information at different levels of expressive richness and complexity. Secondly, we examine three core scenarios around which fuzzy decision-making methods have been developed: multi-criteria decision-making, group (and consensus-driven) decision-making, and multi-person multi-criteria decision-making. Lastly, we discuss new complex decision-making scenarios that emerged in recent years where decisions should be guided by the “wisdom of the crowd”, highlighting their challenges and reflecting on much needed key guidelines for future research in the field.
Enrique Herrera-Viedma Enrique Herrera-Viedma is Professor of the Dept. of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Granada (UGR) and he is currently serving as Vice-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer at the UGR. He is Fellow IEEE and he was Vice-President for Publications in IEEE System Man and Cybernetics Society and now he is VP for Cybernetics, founders of the IEEE Trans. in Artificial Intelligence, and Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics in Computer Science and Engineering in 2014-2020. He has published more than 300 papers in JCR journals, his h-index is 102 in Google Scholar (>40000 citations) and 85 in WoS (>25000 citations). In 2013 he published in the prestigious journal Science about the new role of digital libraries in the era of the information society. He is a member of the panel of experts of the national project evaluation agencies in Portugal, Switzerland, France, and Kazast´an; and Member of the European Committee of Experts for the evaluation of strategic information infrastructure projects in Europe (ESFRI- European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), since November 2017. He has also been guest lecturer in plenary lectures and tutorials in multiple national and international conferences related to Artificial Intelligence such as: 4th Int. Workshop on Preferences and Decisions, 2003, Trento (Italy); Modeling Decision for Artificial Intelligence. 2004, Barcelona (Spain); AGOP 2005, Lugano; 4th EUSFLAT & 11th LFA Conference, Barcelona, 2005; Third Int. Workshop of Artificial Intelligence. ; ESTYLF 2010, Huelva; ; Int. IEEE Intelligent Systems 2014, Poland; IEEE SMC 2014; EUSFLAT 2017, Poland; SOMET 2017, Japan; PIC 2018, Nanjing, China; BAFI 2018, Chile; IPMU 2018, Cadiz. He .is Associated Editor in several AI journals like IEEE TFS, IEEE ITS, IEEE TSMC-Syst, Knosys, ASOC, Fuzzy Opt. and Decision Making, Information Sciences, Soft Computing.

Title: "New School of IT: A new Paradigm for IT Organizations and how it contributes to Engineering Data Driven Systems"
By: Prof. Volker Gruhn
Chair for Software Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen,
IT faces a number of grand challenges. Its organization has to reconcile the conflict between robustness and resilience on the one hand side and innovation and new business models on the other hand side. This demands for an ambidextrous attitude. The next challenge is to adopt the opportunities of cloud native systems (including the need to renovate existing systems or even application landscapes). And, most probably most important, data driven systems have to be engineered and operated. In this keynote we sketch the paradigm of a “New School of IT” and we discuss key requirements for engineering data driven systems. A number of examples from real world projects are discussed.
Volker Gruhn holds the chair for Software Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen/Germany. His research interests in this field of investigation are mobile applications, software processes, cyber-physical systems and digital transformation methods. Before that he held the chair for Applied Telematics and e-Business at the Computer Science Department of University of Leipzig. His research interests were software architectures, mobile applications, and distributed software processes. An application focus was on point-of-sale systems and online solutions for mobile systems. He received a diploma degree (1987) and a PhD (1991) both in computer science from the University of Dortmund. Volker Gruhn is author and co-author of about 330 national and international journal and conference articles.
He founded the software company adesso in 1997, where currently more than 6.300 persons are employed. The company specialises in consulting and tailored development of software for core business processes. adesso’s strategy has three pillars: extensive industry knowledge of its employees; comprehensive technological competence, regardless of the software manufacturer; and tried-and-tested methods for the implementation of software projects. The core industries adesso serves include insurance/reinsurance, banking and financial services, healthcare, lotteries, energy suppliers, automotive sector, public transportation and retail.