Sept. 22-24, 2020, Kitakyushu, Japan

The 19th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools, and Techniques
SOMET 2020
About SOMET 2020
The SOMET conference highlights and reflects the state-of-art and new trends on software methodologies, tools and techniques. You are invited to participate to help build a forum for exchanging ideas and experiences to foster new directions in software development methodologies and related tools and techniques. This conference is focused on exploring innovations, controversies, and challenges facing the Software Engineering community today. The conference brings together theory and experience to propose and evaluate solutions to Software Engineering problems. The conference also provides a forum and an opportunity to assess the current state-of-the-art in intelligent Software techniques and to chart software science initiated from experience to theory. This workshop is an opportunity for us in the software science community to think about where we are and today and where we are going.
1. For speakers using Video
Please take a note that we will not play any Video presentation without having the speaker available on-line. No Video will be played without having the speaker available on-line...
This rule must be compiled.
2. to easy operation for a Zoom operator,
If you are a session chair of a session, please make your correct name before enter the Zoom.
If you are a speaker of your paper, please make your name with the paper ID before enter the Zoom.
for example "#S-80 Jun Sasaki".
November 25: The link of book and proceedings is closed.
September 30: IOS Book "Knowledge Innovation Through Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques", Proceedings of SOMET 2020 (Vol. 327 in the book series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence & Applications) is opened.
September 18: Link of Proceedings is opened.
September 14: Conference Program is revised.
September 10: Conference Program is opened.
September 1: Program outline is revised.
August 31: Keynote speech and Accepted papers are added.
We are now preparing the Conference Program of SOMET 2020. Because of the COVID-19 situation, some participants will not be able to come to the conference venue in Japan. Hence, we will ensure that these persons can attend the conference virtually using Zoom. Moreover, paper authors will be allowed to present their papers using Zoom or as a pre-recorded video. For the smooth organization of the conference, please complete the following questionnaire regarding your preferences for participation by the 26th August.
--> Questionnaire
Important Dates
Paper Submission:
March 20, 2020
=> April 20, 2020
=> May 15, 2020
Notification of Acceptance:
May 20, 2020
=> June 12, 2020
Camera Ready Paper:
June 20, 2020
=> July 09, 2020
Conference Dates
September 22-24, 2020
SOMET 2004 Leipzig, Germany
SOMET 2006 Quebec, Canada
SOMET 2012 Genoa, Italy
September 1: Program outline is revised.
August 31: Keynote speech and Accepted papers are added.
We are now preparing the Conference Program of SOMET 2020. Because of the COVID-19 situation, some participants will not be able to come to the conference venue in Japan. Hence, we will ensure that these persons can attend the conference virtually using Zoom. Moreover, paper authors will be allowed to present their papers using Zoom or as a pre-recorded video. For the smooth organization of the conference, please complete the following questionnaire regarding your preferences for participation by the 26th August.
--> Questionnaire
Submission Details
Papers would be submitted through the CMT.
In the case of acceptance, please, send your Camera-Ready copy according to IOS format should be up to 12 A4 pages for Regular paper.
(http://www.iospress.nl/service/authors/latex-and-word-tools-for-book-authors/ )
The final Camera-Ready copy, for inclusion in the: Book series: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications and distributed at the conference. This series is indexed in SCOPUS and selected by the Elsevier databases coverage.
Keynote Speakers
